Apart from basic documents, the documents required for the export from the Exporting country are based on the product exporting from the Exporting country, multilateral, bilateral, or unilateral trade agreements, and other trade policies of Exporting country government. The export documents required in Exporting country also depends upon the nature of goods exporting (General goods, Personal effects, Dangerous goods, Livestock, etc.), the regular trade policy of Exporting country Government, specific goods exporting from Exporting country (Arms and ammunition, health products, food products, chemicals, etc.)
Engaging in export business in Ethiopia is a potentially profitable venture; as exports from the country are growing and the government encourages the sector. Ethiopia's main export products are agricultural commodities. These commodities, live animals, and other non-value-added export products are allowed only for domestic investors. However, exporters must register with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to obtain an export license.
In Ethiopia, one can register to export all types of goods allowed as far as that good is not prohibited or restricted by an administrative decision. An exporter is only required to have a business license or investment permit to export goods. A business person should have a business license or investment permit to engage in export trade.
Apart from basic documents, the documents required for export from Exporting country is based on the product exporting from Exporting country, multilateral, bilateral or unilateral trade agreements, and other trade policies of Exporting country government. The export documents required in Exporting country also depends up on the nature of goods exporting (General goods, Personal effects, Dangerous goods, Livestock etc.), regular trade policy of Exporting country Government, specific goods exporting from Exporting country (Arms and ammunition, health products, food products, chemicals etc.) read more here: https://kelilullah-trading.com/knowledgebase/export-documents